This screen allows the user to search for a specific location by customer name, city, state, or Postal Quote.
Invoked by <File><View><Customer Lookup> on the TMS Remote User Interface screen.
Invoked by Origin Location button on the Deadhead Processing screen.
Invoked by Destination Location button on the Deadhead Processing screen.
Invoked by Origin Location button on the Create Load screen.
Invoked by Destination Location button on the Create Load screen.
Invoked by Customer button on the Move Pickup/Delivery screen.
Invoked by Customer button on the Equipment List screen.
by Customer button on the Customer
Details screen.
by Origin Location button on the Quote Lookup
Invoked by Destination Location button on the Quote Lookupscreen.
At a minimum, either the name, city, state, or quote number cannot be left blank. The more fields populated, the more restricted the search will be.
Grid Contents - The following location attributes are displayed:
TMS Location Number
Location Type
Location Name
Location Address
Location City
Location State
Location Zip Code
Enter the name of the desired location. The full name or even a full word is not required. The system will attempt to find all locations that contain the given string. The system assumes that what has been entered is the beginning of the name. If you want the system to search on a string that may not be the start of the name, precede the string with the percent sign (%). For example: if you wanted to see all the BMC locations, you would need to enter "%BMC". This would return Chicago BMC, Pittsburgh BMC, etc. If you were searching for a Chicago facility, you could enter "Chicago". This would return Chicago BMC, Chicago P&DC, Chicago 47th Street, etc.
Enter the city of the desired location. The full name or even a full word is not required. The system will attempt to find all locations whose city contains the given string. The system assumes that what has been entered is the beginning of the city. If you want the system to search on a string that may not be the start of the city, precede the string with the percent sign (%).
Enter the state of the desired location. Format as the standard 2-letter abbreviation.
Location Type
This dropdown contains 4 values: Any, Customer, Other Location Type, and Ramp. Customer and Ramp are self-explanatory. Other Location Type refers to stop points such as scales, truck stops, bond sheds, non-rail trailer yards, etc. Essentially any stop that is not a customer or ramp location. Any included locations of all three of the other types.
Enter the desired quote number. The system will return the shippers and/or consignees that are defined on the given quote.
Customer Type
This dropdown contains 3 values: Any, Shipping Point, and Consignee Point. It allows the user to restrict the search to only these types of customer locations. Leave the value as Any when searching by Other Location Type or by Ramp. Due to overlap, the total records returned through the Any query, will not necessarily equal the sums of the Shipping Point and Consignee Point queries since some customers are listed as both.
Search Button
Once the selection criteria have been entered, pressing this button will initiate the query and return the results to the grid below. Pressing <Enter> anywhere on the screen has the same effect.
A view-only field that displays the number of records returned by the database query.
Select Button
After a query has completed and results displayed in the grid, highlight the line of the desired location and press this button. The lookup screen will close and the location information will be returned to the original window. Double clicking on a grid row will also trigger the selection process.
Cancel Button
Closes the Customer Lookup window. Pressing <Esc> anywhere on the screen has the same effect.
TMS Web Functional Design
Version 2.0.1, revised 08/04/2004
Copyright © 1999-2004 TransWorks