Quote Lookup

TMS Remote User Interface

quotelookup.gif (7394 bytes)


To provide the ability to identify the appropriate Postal Quote number given origin and/or destination information.


Invoked by <File><View><Quote Lookup> on the TMS Remote User Interface screen.
Invoked by Quote button on the Create Load screen.

Design Notes

At least one criteria field must be filled in.  The more fields populated, the more restricted the search.  As with the Customer Lookup screen, the user can enter partial names for the customer name or city.

The Select button is only active when invoked from the Create Load screen.

Grid Contents:

The grid containing the results is actually a table.  All "A" contracts that match the criteria will be displayed in the first column, all "B" contracts in the second column, etc.

Field and Control Definitions

Origin button

Invokes Customer Lookup to identify the desired origin location of the Postal Quote.

Origin ID

The TMS customer number.

Origin Name

Enter the name of the desired origin location.  The full name or even a full word is not required.  The system will attempt to find all locations that contain the given string.  The system assumes that what has been entered is the beginning of the name.   If you want the system to search on a string that may not be the start of the name, precede the string with the percent sign (%).  For example: if you wanted to see all the BMC locations, you would need to enter "%BMC".  This would return Chicago BMC, Pittsburgh BMC, etc.  If you were searching for a Chicago facility, you could enter "Chicago".  This would return Chicago BMC, Chicago P&DC, Chicago 47th Street, etc.

Origin City

Enter the city of the desired origin location.  The full name or even a full word is not required.  The system will attempt to find all locations whose city contains the given string.  The system assumes that what has been entered is the beginning of the city.   If you want the system to search on a string that may not be the start of the city, precede the string with the percent sign (%).

Origin State

Enter the state of the desired origin location.  Format as the standard 2-letter abbreviation.

Destination Button

Invokes Customer Lookup to identify the desired destination location of the Postal Quote.

Destination ID

The TMS customer number.

Destination Name

Enter the name of the desired destination location.  The full name or even a full word is not required.  The system will attempt to find all locations that contain the given string.  The system assumes that what has been entered is the beginning of the name.   If you want the system to search on a string that may not be the start of the name, precede the string with the percent sign (%).  For example: if you wanted to see all the BMC locations, you would need to enter "%BMC".  This would return Chicago BMC, Pittsburgh BMC, etc.  If you were searching for a Chicago facility, you could enter "Chicago".  This would return Chicago BMC, Chicago P&DC, Chicago 47th Street, etc.

Destination City

Enter the city of the desired destination location.  The full name or even a full word is not required.  The system will attempt to find all locations whose city contains the given string.  The system assumes that what has been entered is the beginning of the city.   If you want the system to search on a string that may not be the start of the city, precede the string with the percent sign (%).

Destination State

Enter the state of the desired destination location.  Format as the standard 2-letter abbreviation.

Contract Type

This dropdown allows the user to restrict the search to only a certain type of Postal Contract. 
Possible values are: A, B, C, D, E, G, X, and Y.

Search Button

After entering the desired criteria, pressing this button will initiate the search and return the results to the grid below.
Pressing <Enter> anywhere on the screen has the same effect.


A read-only field which displays the number of quotes displayed in the grid that matched the search criteria.

Select Button

After highlighting a quote in the grid, pressing this button will close the screen and return the selected quote to the calling window. Double clicking on a grid cell will also trigger the selection process.

Cancel Button

Pressing this button will close the Quote Lookup window.  Pressing <Esc> anywhere on the screen has the same effect.

TMS Web Functional Design

Version 2.0.1, revised 08/04/2004
Copyright © 1999-2004 TransWorks