Customer Details

TMS Remote User Interface

customerprofile1.gif (6854 bytes)

customerprofile2.gif (9195 bytes)


To allow the user to view customer specific information such as contacts, directions, and business hours.


Invoked by <File><View><Customer Profile> on the TMS Remote User Interface screen.

Field and Control Definitions

Customer Button

Invokes the Customer Lookup screen.

Customer ID

The TMS customer number for the desired location can be entered directly in this field avoiding the need to go through Customer Lookup.   If the field is filled in, the customer name, address, city, state, and phone are displayed in the box below.

Contacts Grid

Type - Defines the type of contact.  Example: Customer Service, Fax#, Primary, Receiving, Shipping, Traffic, Warehouse, etc..  Presently, only Primary Contact and Detention Fax number will be shown.
Name - The name used for the specific contact.
Phone# - The number associated with the contact.
Comments - Additional comments associated with the contact.


This view-only text field will contain directions to the customer location.  Customer Service through the TMS Customer Profile screen enters this information.

Hours of Operations

The first dropdown contains 2 values: Shipping Hours and Receiving Hours.  Changing this value will cause the hours in the day-of-week grid below to change accordingly.

The second dropdown contains 2 values: Normal and Actual.  The normal hours define when the customer is typically open.  Actual hours are used to denote special occasions (typically holidays or plant shutdowns) when the customer's operational hours differ from their standard hours.

The Week Of field is used in conjunction with the Actual hours.  This determines which specific week the user is interested in viewing.  It will default to the current week.

On the right and left side of the day-of-week grid are 2 arrows (<) (>).   These are also used in conjunction with the Actual hours and allow the user to move back to a prior week or advance to a future week.

The day-of-week grid consists of 4 lines.  Typically only the first 2 lines will contain data.  From will be when the customer opens, and To will be when the customer closes.  The remaining 2 lines allow for additional times for customer who may shut down during the middle of a 24 hour time period.

The day-of -week grid consists of 7 columns that represent the days of the week.   The times listed are in military format.  If the customer is not open on a given day, the From field will contain the keyword Closed, and the To field will be blank.


This view-only text field will contain miscellaneous notes concerning the customer location.  Customer Service through the TMS Customer Profile screen enters this information.

Print Button

Pressing this button will generate a formatted report containing all the information listed on the Customer Details screen.  However, it will not print all the hours for the customer.  It will only print the hours that are currently being displayed on the screen.

Close Button

Pressing this button will close the Customer Details screen.

TMS Web Functional Design

Version 2.0.1, revised 08/04/2004
Copyright © 1999-2004 TransWorks