To allow the user to view the trailers/containers currently located at a given customer location.
Invoked by <File><View><Equipment List> on the TMS Remote User Interface screen.
- Describes the current state of the trailers in the poolPossible values at shipping locations
Possible values at consignee locations
Possible values at locations that are both a shipper and consignee
- Displays the currently assigned load/deadhead (if any).Equipment Number
- Displays the trailer/container number.Type
- Displays the trailer type. (48V, 53R, etc. where V represents private and R represents railroad owned)Previous Load
- Displays the load/deadhead number that brought the trailer into the pool.Arrival Date
- Displays the date/time the trailer/container arrived into the pool.Release Date
- Displays the date/time the trailer/container was released from its previous load.Age - Displays the number of days the trailer/container has sat in the pool.
Detention Age - Displays the number of days the trailer/container has sat in the pool in detention.
Customer Button
Pressing this button will invoke the Customer Lookup screen.
Customer ID
The TMS customer number for the desired location can be entered directly in this field avoiding the need to go through Customer Lookup. If the field is filled in, the customer name, address, city, state, and phone are displayed in the box below.
Refresh Button
Pressing this button will cause the system to re-query the database and redisplay the list of trailers/containers currently at the customer location.
Pieces of Equipment
A view-only field that displays the number of trailers/containers displayed in the grid below.
Create Deadhead Button
Pressing this button will invoke the Process Deadhead screen. The deadhead origin point will be defaulted to the current customer location, and the equipment field will be defaulted with trailer number in the currently highlighted line.
Close Button
Pressing this button will close the Equipment List screen. Pressing <Esc> anywhere on the screen has the same effect.
TMS Web Functional Design
Version 2.0.1, revised 08/04/2004
Copyright © 1999-2004 TransWorks