Load Details

TMS Remote User Interface

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This screen allows the vendor to review details of loads in the TMS system.  


Invoked by <File><View><Load Details> on the TMS Remote User Interface screen.
Invoked by selecting a move on the Move List screen.

Design Notes

A Vendor may only review loads to which they are assigned at least one move.

Field and Control Definitions

Load Button

Invokes the  Move List screen.

Load ID

Allows the user to enter the Load number or displays the number returned from the Move List screen.

Shipping Point ID

Displays the location number of the shipping point.   If the field is filled in, the customer name, address, city, state, and phone are displayed in the box below.

Shipper ID

Displays the location number and name of the true shipper.

Consignee Point ID

Displays the location number of the consignee point.   If the field is filled in, the customer name, address, city, state, and phone are displayed in the box below.

Consignee ID

Displays the location number and name of the true consignee.

Stops Grid

This grid displays the list of the load's stops, in order they will be visited. All loads will have an Origin Pickup and Final Delivery; some will have additional stops as well.

The columns are: Stop Number, Stop Type, Location ID, Location Name, City, State,and Appointment Window.

Flags Grid

Displays flags for the load. Fields include: Description (notes and general flag definitions as shown in the column), Code, Required For (flags may be required for a specific pick up or deliver, any pick up of delivery, rail moves, or billing).

Add Note Button

Allows a vendor to add a note flag to the load.  A separate screen is launched in which the note may be entered.

Reference Type Grid

Displays the type and number of each reference for the load

Close Button

Pressing this button will close the Load Details window.  Pressing <Esc> anywhere on the screen has the same effect.

TMS Web Functional Design

Version 2.0.1, revised 08/04/2004
Copyright © 1999-2004 TransWorks