Create New Equipment

TMS Remote User Interface

equipment.gif (4186 bytes)


Currently the TMS database does not contain every possible trailer that can be used on a load.  This screen allows the vendor to add a trailer to the system.


Invoked by <File><New><Equipment> on the TMS Remote User Interface screen.
Invoked by Create Load screen when the equipment specified does not currently exist within the system.
Invoked by Move Pickup/Deliveryscreen when the equipment specified does not currently exist within the system.
Invoked by Process Deadhead screen when the equipment specified does not currently exist within the system.

Design Notes

The Equipment prefix/number, Owner, and Length are required fields.  All others are optional.

Field and Control Definitions


Enter the alpha prefix and number of the trailer to be created.


This dropdown contains 2 possible values to designate ownership of the equipment:   Railroad and Private.


This dropdown contains 5 possible values to specify the length of the equipment: 20, 40, 45, 48, 53.


Optional field.  Enter the overall height of the equipment if known. (in feet)


Optional field.  Enter the inside width of the equipment if known. (in feet)


Optional field.  Enter the weight of the equipment if known. (in pounds)


Optional field.  Enter the Vehicle Identification Number if known.

Create Equipment Button

After entering the necessary information, pressing this button will create a new record for the trailer/container in the TMS database.  It can then be used on a load or deadhead.  An error box may be displayed if any required fields are missing or some other problem was encountered during the creation process.

Cancel Button

Closes the Create New Equipment window.  Pressing <Esc> anywhere on the screen has the same effect.

TMS Web Functional Design

Version 2.0.1, revised 08/04/2004
Copyright © 1999-2004 TransWorks